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email: [email protected]
Subscription Disclaimer:
By purchasing, you agree that your membership plan will automatically renew at the posted price each year or month + taxes + service fee (if applicable) until you cancel. Your subscription will be valid for 365 days or 30 days. Cancel any time before your renewal date to avoid future charges. Cancel either by going to your confirmation email, and clicking the ‘manage your subscription’ link or via the Contact Us page in the app. The subject line of your confirmation email is: ‘Subscription Activated from Weezer Fanclub.' If you have any questions regarding your membership elements or have not received your confirmation, please email [email protected]. If you do not receive your email, please check your spam folder. Add [email protected] to your safe senders list to ensure receipt of all necessary show information. Email [email protected] with any customer service questions. Your membership does not guarantee you tickets. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Membership automatically renews one (1) year or (1) month after purchase. If you wish to cancel your membership you can do so by navigating to your confirmation email and clicking the ‘manage your subscription’ link and completing the cancellation process. All membership bundle elements will be rendered invalid if resold. Please note that the information provided at the time of purchase (e-mail and mailing address) is the same information that will be utilized for shipping and individual contact requirements where applicable. 237 Global, the artist, tour, promoter, ticketing company, venue or any other affiliated parties are not responsible for outdated or inaccurate information provided by the consumer at the time of purchase.
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